This is my capstone project for my 6 months Professional Diploma in UX Design Institute, Dublin. A case study on designing a new mobile app for a start-up airline called Fly UX specifically focus on the user flight booking process. The end goal of my work is to design and build a prototype and create a detail set of wireframes.
- Competitive Benchmarking
To learn how best-in-class mobile apps solve the problem we are trying to solve, understand the conventions we should follow and highlight best practice that we should emulate. For this case study, three (3) airline apps plus one (1) travel aggregator were identified and reviewed.
- Online Survey
Create an online survey and email to friend and colleagues to learn more about the goals of people that use airline websites and apps — what are they trying to do, what (if anything) is preventing them from doing it, what else would they like to be able to do on airline websites and apps.
- Usability test and Note taking
To conduct one usability test with interview with one user. User is required to complete tasks on two different airline mobile apps. Comparative tests are great to see how well or badly different organisations try and solve the same problem. Note taking was performed during the session and re-watching the recordings.
- Affinity diagram
To put structure on qualitative research data and practice collaborative analysis. For this exercise, there were two participant involved. It requires about 30minutes where all participants will write all descriptive observations from the researches on Post-it note and stick them on the wall. Then, we will start grouping and organising the relevant post together from large groups to a smaller subgroups and these groups will be named.
- Customer journey mapping
To translate raw research data into a structured document. Document the user goals, behaviours and pain points correspond to the high level groupings from the affinity diagram.
- Flow Diagram
To define the high level flow for booking flights on the new airline mobile app and address all the issues highlighted in the customer journey map.
- Interaction Design
To sketch the screens and screen states for users flowing through the flight booking application start from the homepage of the app right through the payment. This exercise will address all the issues and user goals identified in the research and analysis.
To create a medium fidelity prototype for the Fly UX mobile application that contains enough detail and interactivity to test the high-level flow, screen layouts, text and basic interactions with Sketch and Invision.
To create a set of wireframes from the homepage up to and including payment which contain all the necessary detail a developer would need to build the application accurately.
- Take Away
Working through the whole UX process for this case study has been both challenging and rewarding. It’s a unique mix of psychology, technology and design. It gives me a strong understanding of user-centred design and the mindset required to create high quality software products. I have learnt the importance of the user experience design process, the steps in the process, the importance of each step and how they build on each other as the process unfolds.
- What’s Next?
This case study was carried out in a small scale research as part of the Professional Diploma in UX Design qualification. I believe there is huge room for improvement in re-iterate the design and research in-depth in certain area.